When we look back on human history, including that of the Nordics, it has not been a nice even curve of constant progress, but rather, a bumpy journey of lessons to be learned.
Keynes predicted a 15-hour working week by 2030 because people would ‘have enough’ to lead the ‘good life’, but many of us have confused the ‘Good Life’ with a ‘Goods Life’. Growing affluence comes at a cost – the stress of time-starved lifestyles being just one manifestation. Increasingly people ask: ‘How can I get more out of my life?’
Currently, only 1 in 5 brands globally are perceived to make any meaningful difference in people’s lives, so institutions must start to explore how to deliver ‘real’ value to communities. To shape a positive Glocal-centric vision, we must examine the ‘bigger picture’. Kjaer Global’s Trend Atlas does just that – systematically decoding socioeconomic and cultural drivers of society and revealing key challenges and opportunities in both a global and local context. Inclusive models are needed because, increasingly, value will be measured by the 4Ps: People, Planet, Purpose and then Profit. Our future success depends on how well we adapt to and take advantage of change. Our 8 key trends provide inspiration on 4P strategies and navigating the road ahead.
Citizen Participation
Samsø is a great global role model as it demonstrates how decentralisation, collaboration, innovation and empowerment are the key components of Glocalisation. It also illustrates how, as citizens, we tend to bond with propositions focused on personal participation and authentic storytelling.
Video: Samsø Energy Academy
Building Bridges not Walls
The overarching macro trends impacting and driving Glocalisation are all interconnected. Radical Openness is key in a digital reputation economy and organisations must work harder, not only to be noticed, but also to be trusted. A recent survey found 48% of people would not even recommendtheir own company. Smart organisations build bridges not walls by embracing collaboration. According to the OECD, Denmark has the lowest corruption in the world – maybe due to its transparent system of e-government.
The Digital Economy
’Big Data’ Networks and intelligence leverage community power, bringing huge opportunities for positive change. The case of New York City shows how using local ‘Big Data’ statistics can solve pressing and complex problems. However, systems are only as smart as the people using them and managing, securing and understanding data will be a major challenge. Weconomics drives the need for access, as sharing, mobility and affinity networks become the norm. With potentially 3 billion users by 2016, the Internet economy could reach $4.2 trillion in G-20 economies.
Entrepreneurship and Personal Autonomy
Global Citizens will set new standards in virtually all areas of society and, by 2020, Millennials will form 50% of the global workforce. Multicultural is key to global economic clusters – in Silicon Valley nearly 2/3 of the working population were born outside the US and the largest start-up ecosystem in Europe is London. To fuel local innovation, ‘learning’ should foster a creative process of trial and error – this is how Betapreneurs operate. According to the World Values Survey, the Nordics are the world’s biggest believers in individual autonomy. This takes a cultural shift, not just money. Start-Up Sauna is a good example – this business accelerator at Aalto University promotes a vibrant entrepreneurial mindset.
Video: Making innovation happen – Start-Up Sauna
Changing Demographics
2 billion people will be 60+ by 2050 – 22% of the world population. The ‘No Age’ Society requires a flexible labour market to enable ‘fit seniors’ to work or study for as long as they want. New MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) like COURSERA will enable a more inclusive mindset – and already 1/4 of Nordics participate in lifelong learning. Another enabler will be Nano scale biotechnologies on enabling, wireless-sensing ecosystems for monitoring wellness.
The Era of Glocalnomics
Social capital is not just the sum of the institutions that underpin a society – it is the glue that holds them together. Companies are changing their thinking, focusing on how to do things locally. “We’re All in This Together” gives people an authentic experience that fosters creative communities. The Nordics engage in open dialogue about their identity, inspiring a new community of people who reconnect and share values through cultural experiences.
Video: The Collective Experience
The Inclusive Society
To take advantage of Glocal networks, institutions must balance the rational drivers of collaboration and multi-channel platforms with inclusive values. As we start to question the conventional way of measuring success, the redefinition of The Good Life goes public. Recently, Harvard professor Michael Porter created the Social Progress Imperative as a values-based benchmark for corporate and government thinking. Once we have a positive impact on people and the planet, with a purposeful ethos to match, we guarantee a place for our organisation in the future and profit will follow.
Video: Open-Source Culture
Regional Economic Ecosystems
Scandinavia is already a global role model, performing particularly well in innovation and social inclusion, and coming top in economic competitiveness and happiness. A report in the Economist in February 2013 noted that: “the main lesson the Nordics can teach the world is not ideological, but practical.”Everything local will become a priority in the future – so focusing on regional economic ecosystems is the way to foster self-sufficient economies that boost both community welfare and global competition.
Video: Local Remake – Madrid Monocle
Images + Videos
1) Madrid Remake by Monocle
2) Work Life Balance Globally by Kjaer Global
3) Mayor Bloomberg’s Geek Squad by New York Times
Presentation >>
1) Average annual hours actually worked per worker – OECD 2012 >>
2) Samsø Energy Academy >>
Talk: Slagelse Kommune, June 26, 2013, Denmark

Future of Work & Workplaces 2030+
What will the workplaces of tomorrow be like? When, where and how will we work?