by Anne Lise Kjaer | Jul 24, 2006 | - Dimensions, All, Emotional, Emotional, Future Report, Interview, Lifestyle & Consumption |
“Design frequently emerges as a cut-price way to solve problems that require much more substantial investment” An Interview on Meaningful Consumption and Time To Think Q: How would you define Meaningful Consumption? Woudhuysen: This is a contradiction in terms....
by Anne Lise Kjaer | Jul 8, 2006 | - Dimensions, All, Emotional, Emotional, Future Scenario, Lifestyle & Consumption, Organisations, Social, Social |
The quest for meaning and emotional connection in a time of abundance. “It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave...
by Anne Lise Kjaer | Mar 15, 2006 | - Dimensions, All, Female Empowerment, Interview, Organisations, Quality of Life, Social, Social, Spiritual, Spiritual, Work/Life Balance |
Tina Pearson mødte Anne Lise Kjær i London til en snak om succes, balance og hårdt arbejde HVEM Anne Lise Kjær er professionel trend-spotter, og igangsætter. Til daglig driver hun sin succesrige virksomhed fra London. Som rejsende foredragsholder og rådgiver hun...
by Anne Lise Kjaer | Mar 6, 2006 | - Dimensions, All, Emotional, Emotional, Future Scenario, Politics & Legislation, Scientific, Scientific, Technology, Wellbeing |
We incorporate artificial intelligence into our everyday lives. Intelligent integral solutions will change the way we look at new product development. Beyond The Sphere of Natural Beauty Genetically engineered bodies challenge personal and social ethics. The...
by Anne Lise Kjaer | Dec 19, 2005 | - Dimensions, All |
“The human factor will be even more important in the future.” Johan Peter Paludan Dream Scenarios in Time Starved Society Interview: Johan Peter Paludan is director of CIFS (Copenhagen Institute of Future Studies) and a renowned futurist, giving around 100 talks a...
by Anne Lise Kjaer | Dec 12, 2005 | - Dimensions, All |
“Sometimes it’s cool to be uncool for a while” – Tony Chambers Barely Time To Blink, Let Alone Think Interview: Tony Chambers has been Wallpaper* creative director since January 2003. Prior to this he was art director of the UK edition of GQ magazine for six...