by Anne Lise Kjaer | Jan 17, 2009 | - Dimensions, A Better World, All, Emotional, Emotional, Lifestyle & Consumption, Social, Social, Social Structures |
There is so much complexity and an excess of meaningless choice in today’s society. To survive in the jungle of consumption we must adapt a culture of intelligent reduction. People-Centric The most successful brands and companies of the future will be people-centric,...
by Anne Lise Kjaer | Jul 8, 2006 | - Dimensions, All, Emotional, Emotional, Future Scenario, Lifestyle & Consumption, Organisations, Social, Social |
The quest for meaning and emotional connection in a time of abundance. “It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave...
by Anne Lise Kjaer | Mar 15, 2006 | - Dimensions, All, Female Empowerment, Interview, Organisations, Quality of Life, Social, Social, Spiritual, Spiritual, Work/Life Balance |
Tina Pearson mødte Anne Lise Kjær i London til en snak om succes, balance og hårdt arbejde HVEM Anne Lise Kjær er professionel trend-spotter, og igangsætter. Til daglig driver hun sin succesrige virksomhed fra London. Som rejsende foredragsholder og rådgiver hun...