2020 Shaping Ideas. Visions of The Future from 20 of The World’s Leading Thinkers. They describe a future where a growing population faces never before seen challenges and opportunities; where digital natives will shape their lives and the enterprises they work for, and where technology could create a global golden age.
Ericsson explains the project: “In 2020 – Shaping Ideas, we asked 20 thinkers to share their view on the drivers of the future and how connectivity is changing the world.” Ericsson believes it is important to share their knowledge about the future. “If we do, the future might not be a place we are going to, but a place we create”.
In the future, the most successful companies will need to embrace females in their organizations. At least this is the prediction of futurist and trend forecaster Anne Lise Kjaer, who describes the typical 21st-century cooperation as less hierarchical, led in a more empathetic way and with an increased focus on ethics.
Anne Lise Kjaer was one of the thinkers Ericsson asked to contribute to their 2020 – Shaping Ideas project.
Meet the other Leading Thinkers:
The Father of the Internet
Vint Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
Almost 40 years ago, Vint Cerf became the father of the Internet. Today his business cards say Chief Internet Evangelist at Google. When looking into the future, he sees computers and electronics becoming even more intelligent. And the mobile phone, he predicts, will be our companion rather than just a device.
Fighting Poverty with Connectivity
Jeffrey Sachs, Professor, Earth Institute, Columbia University
Sachs, a professor of economics at Columbia University, is one of the world’s foremost experts on poverty reduction. He explains how mobile phones are decreasing economic isolation in Africa, and why we could be halfway to achieving an important goal in 2020: the end of extreme poverty.
Our World: Transform or Collapse
Will Steffen, Executive Director, Anu Climate Change Institute
We have come to a critical point in history. The next ten years will decide if our society can transform into a sustainable one, or if it will follow the way of the Roman and Mayan civilizations, and simply collapse. Will Steffen, Director of the Fenner School of Environment and Society, is optimistic.
Learning by Doing not by Listening
JP Rangaswami, Chairman, School of Everything
JP Rangaswami is chairman of the social enterprise School of Everything. In 2020 – Shaping Ideas he talks about how the educational institutions of the past have overlooked our human urge to feel free and to participate. In social networks and the open source movement he sees the potential for a whole new approach to learning.
Twenty Four Seven Connected
Ian Pearson, Futurologist, Futurizon GMBH
Futurist Ian Pearson talks about how new technologies, such as devices that talk to each other, artificial intelligence that tells us what to do and high-speed connections available in any place at any time, will make our lives easier in 2020. But as we solve old problems, we create new ones.
From Pyramids to Bird’s Nest
Charles Leadbeater, Author, “We-Think: The Power of Mass Creativity”
New times demand new types of organizations. According to Charles Leadbeater, author of We-think, the web has created enterprises that lack traditional hierarchy and let consumers take an active part in innovation. These organizations resemble bird’s nests rather than top to bottom pyramids.
Music like Water
Gerd Leonhard, media futurist
Music used to be a product that we bought piece by piece. Now it is becoming a public utility, says media futurist Gerd Leonhard, who argues that we will soon be constantly connected to an infinite library of songs. And when music is like water or electricity, our friends become the new music critics.
Golden Age or Another Crisis
Charlota Perez, Professor, Technological University of Tallinn
By 2020, our world could be in the middle of a sustainable golden age, but it depends on how we handle the current recession. Carlota Perez, professor of technology and socio-economic development at the Technological University of Tallinn, explains how the global economy depends on technological advances.
The Power of Collaboration
Michael Dell, CEO DELL inc.
As teenagers, Dell Inc. founder and CEO Michael Dell and his computer-minded friends spent all their time on an electronic bulletin board – sharing information, collaborating and exchanging ideas. Since then, their ideals has been adopted by a whole generation. And when you collaborate, anything is possible.
New Demands on the Telecom Industry
Johan Bergendahl, VP Marketing & CMO, Ericsson
A big responsibility lays in the hands of telecom companies. Johan Bergendahl, chief marketing officer at Ericsson, says the industry has to take a bigger role in driving the future. Without connectivity, the world would stop.
Growing Up Digital
Don Tapscott, Author, Grown Up Digital
The smartest generation ever. That is how Don Tapscott, author of Wikinomics, describes today’s young people. He claims that adolescents, who have grown up with the Internet, are not only more used to handling digital technology, but their brains are actually different.
See Yourself in the News
Arianna Huffington, Editor-in-Chief and co-founder Huffington Post
Traditional media outlets suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Online journalism, on the other hand, has a case of obsessive-compulsive disorder. So says Arianna Huffington, editor-in-chief and co-founder of the news website The Huffington Post. She sees a media landscape where self-expression has replaced entertainment and where readers want to be part of the news stories themselves, rather than simply read about them.
Download, adjust, print!
Adrian Bowyer, Founder, Reprap Project
What if you could download physical objects? Now you can. The Rep Rap machine is a 3D printer that can create a wide range of things, perhaps most remarkably, another Rep Rap machine. The inventor, Adrian Bowyer, believes that 3D printing can revolutionize the manufacturing industry.
Creative Minds Flourishing
Brenda Walker, Rebel Content
Remember what you have read about the dark times for musicians, filmmakers and writers? Music industry veteran Brenda Walker claims the opposite. Technology has overcome limitations and blurred the boundaries between different art forms. Finally, she says, artists can truly realize their visions.
A New Era of Advertising
Jeffrey Cole, Director, USC Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future
Jeffrey Cole is director of the University of Southern California Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future and one of the world’s most established authorities on internet issues. He claims that in the near future, most digital content will be free. Who will pay for it? The advertisers will.
Change and Humility in Politics
George Yeo, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Singapore
It was largely technology that brought down The Soviet Union. So says Singapore’s Foreign Minister George Yeo. During his over 20 years as a Minister he has witnessed The Cold War end, Asia emerge as a major player and the political power become diffused. Now, he states, politicians must be humble and open-minded.
We still need Handshakes
Patricia Mokhtarian, Professor, University of California
You might assume that the mobile phone, e-shopping and teleconferencing replaces a lot of travel and business trips. Actually, according to Patricia Moktharian professor of civil and environmental engineering, technology makes us travel more, not less. She predicts that there will be more cars in the world by 2020.
Healthcare through Mobile Devices
Jeff Arnold, Founder and Creator of Sharecare
Could technology revolutionize healthcare? According to Jeff Arnold, founder of the health portals Sharecare and WebMD, the medical field has huge potential for improvement. When he imagines the future interaction between a doctor and a patient, he sees a mobile device with medical applications.
On our way to a Stable World
Hans Rosling, Professor, Karolinska Institute
The advantage of western countries is declining. Soon Asia will dominate the world economy. Professor of International Health Hans Rosling at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm crushes the misconception that there are two kinds of countries rich and poor.

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