We incorporate artificial intelligence into our everyday lives. Intelligent integral solutions will change the way we look at new product development.
Beyond The Sphere of Natural Beauty
Genetically engineered bodies challenge personal and social ethics. The perception of the ‘natural body’ changes with the increasingly tempting promises of the new genetic revolution; what we currently consider a genetically modified look is the ‘natural beauty’ of tomorrow.
The imperfect body becomes a rarity among the wealthy and a sign of poverty among the rest. The new super-humans barely age, live and eat smart and don’t have to worry about bad hair days.Maybe perfection was never that natural after all…
Second Skin
The skin-like Aerogel, polyurethane and ElekTex aspire to be a natural extension of the body. We want products to become part of us, just like a second skin. We expect biogenetics to do for our anatomy, what artificial fibres can do for our garments and vice versa: product surfaces should be able to transmit information just as human skin.
Innovation is increasingly dependent on scientific research. The fusion of science and aesthetics gives functionality another dimension. ‘Thinking’ design supersedes functional design – creating an interactive process. The object is indirectly, rather than directly, activated by the user.
Future Scenario 2040: Biogenetic Development
The thinker Joseph Coates’ ‘hypothetical time-line of use and consequences of gene technology’ illustrates how radical biogenetic developments could influence our lives in the near future.
* 2006: Exponential growth in the use of ‘genetic enhancement’.
* 2007: 2% of American children are genetically modified before birth.
* 2010: Routine genetic testing & modifications to eliminate 175 illnesses.
* 2009-2016: Authorities establish guidelines for genetic modifications.
* 2005-2020: The upper middle class use genetic diagnoses & treatments.
* 2023: Prenuptial genetic consultation obligatory in 14 American states.
* 2007-2026: Upper middle classes use ‘genetics’ for elimination of non-medical problems such as overweight & diminutive defects.
* 2005-2026: The cost of genetic technological treatments are diminishing.
* 2030: Decades of experiencing with ‘genetic enhancement’ defines previously unforeseen side effects and risks.
* 2030: This leads to a formalising of strategies for modifications, a higher safety and further confidence in the results.
* 2035: The anti technology movement ‘Americans for God’s Way’ has 16 million registered members and supports 27% of adult Americans.
* 2036: A health authority survey on 18-45 year olds reveals a 22% drop in genetic related illnesses developed in the first three years of life. 26% is associated with the prenuptial consultation, the rest medical or genetic therapy.
* 2039: Citizens who are refusing to have their children’s genetic make up surveyed are being taxed a further 30% and charged double for the treatment of their children’s eventual genetically caused illnesses.

Future of Work & Workplaces 2030+
What will the workplaces of tomorrow be like? When, where and how will we work?