What? A solid framework
In a society where complexity is likely to increase, it is vital to have a system in place to navigate uncertainty and change. Establishing a solid trend management framework enables you to actively shape the future by creating a transparent way to communicate and realise your vision while also addressing key business objectives.
Why? Shaping tomorrow’s dialogue
Observing new behaviours, needs and socio-cultural influences means we can connect to the soul-dimension of tomorrow’s people and shape a fresh dialogue. Applying trend management brings the bigger picture into view, ensuring that we consider global and societal changes while seizing new opportunities.
How? A vision grounded in insights
The Trend Compass 2025+ is a tool to tap into the drivers shaping tomorrow’s world. It factors in the 4Ps of People, Planet, Purpose and Profit to deliver a balanced view of tomorrow’s business landscape. This dynamic platform provides the essential building blocks for any organisation that wants to apply trend knowledge and fuel a fresh future vision.
When? Trend Maturity
The trends in the compass will manifest at a varying rate, scale and speed across geographic locations, however all are rated to give a general indication as to when they will mature and come to fruition. All the trends will impact our future, and taking them into account today enables us to act on them with timely and focused strategies. Below are the 8 society drivers shaping technology in the short (2017-2018), medium (2019-2021) and long term (2022-2025.
Thinking Cities: High-speed digital infrastructure transforms cities, bringing fresh thinking and new solutions that deliver green innovation at scale.
Internet of Everything: AI and IoT advance to impact work, production and skillsets; most future jobs have yet to be invented.
Immersive Experiences: Creativity is key to developing high quality, immersive and augmented experiences – technology is simply the tool.
Omni-Channel: We expect seamless interactions and instant responses in a world where all things, places and people are connected.
Radical Transparency: Digital ethics, openness and transparency are the norm, incorporated into products, services and Interactions.
Cloud Culture: The eco-system of the Cloud – IoT, big and small data – matures to foster new modes of business and hyper personalised services.
The Access Economy: The movement in which access trumps owning more things drives disruptive innovation and new business models.
Creativity Rules: People are redefining their values, moving from consumers to creators in their desire for a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Glocalisation: Local culture and community gain value in a globalised world, as we increasingly seek to connect to real people, places and heritage.
Lifelong Learning: As change quickens and complexity grows, creativity, agility and lifelong learning become almost universal goals.
End of Classrooms: Augmented (AI) and virtual reality (VR) drive new ways to engage and connect learners – inspiring new modes of education.
The Intelligence Era: When data, information and knowledge is accessible to all, intelligent application becomes the differentiating factor.
4th Industrial Revolution: Mundane tasks are being outsourced to networked machines – freeing people to focus on lifestyle optimisation.
Global Citizens: Being highly adaptive is becoming a requirement for all citizens in a highly dynamic networking and business landscape.
New Diversity: Diversity of thinking and doing becomes highly valued in the workplace, as this is recognised as key to fostering greater innovation.
Data D(e)mocracy: As tech-enabled, participatory and active democracy comes of age, possibilities to exert individual influence grow.
Distributed Trust: Blockchain technology – a truly open and global platform – transforms concepts of trust, privacy and business.
Leap Technologies: Access to connectivity, AI and drones means opportunity and inclusion, bringing developing nations into the global economy.
Well(being): The concept of wellbeing continues to expand, infusing all areas of our lifestyle and work, as mindful consumption informs our choices.
Health-Tech Evolution: Digital health innovations enable truly personalised and mobile solutions – while optimising quality of life they also transforms our attitude to living well.
Quantified Selves: Technology is becoming our close companion and digital twin – co-creating wellbeing and self-referential experiences.
Hybrid Living: Technology blends seamlessly into our lives, creating a hybrid world where digital intelligence enhances experiences for analogue humans.
Empathic Technology: Human-centred deployment of data means balancing deep insight with purposeful offerings to empower and inspire people.
Humanity 2.0: People adopt more considered and value-driven approaches to living – rebalancing the pace and impact of modern work and leisure.

Future of Work & Workplaces 2030+
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