by Anne Lise Kjaer | Apr 12, 2009 | - Dimensions, All, Quality of Life, Social, Social, Social Structures, Spiritual, Spiritual, Work/Life Balance |
How do you live your life? In different stages? Maybe it’s time to look at what is most important for you. New Beginnings The poet William Blake once said: “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom”. Clearly most new beginnings are marked by distinctive...
by Anne Lise Kjaer | Mar 7, 2009 | - Dimensions, All, Emotional, Emotional, Quality of Life, Social, Social, Spiritual, Spiritual, Wellbeing, Work/Life Balance |
If you think you’re too busy to read this article, then perhaps you should take time out to do it anyway! Lately I have been far too busy myself. On a Mission Typically working on far to many things at the same time, with a million others on my mind. Even in my sleep...
by Anne Lise Kjaer | Mar 3, 2009 | - Dimensions, All, Interview |
Rejsetips fra trendspottere som afslører deres hemmelige adresser Interview: Anne Lise Kjær, 46 år, har sit eget trend firma og arbejder fra London hvor hun er bosat. Hun arbejder for blandtandet for firmaer som iittala, Sony, Nokia, Toyota og Ikea Danmark København...
by Anne Lise Kjaer | Feb 21, 2009 | - Dimensions, All, Economics, Emotional, Emotional, Lifestyle & Consumption, Scientific, Scientific |
Personally I am quite excited about this new chance to review my life. It has been evident for some time that the unsustainable economic growth in the west was going to come to an abrupt u-turn. Financial Tsunami? Now that the bubble has burst it’s time to welcome a...
by Anne Lise Kjaer | Jan 17, 2009 | - Dimensions, A Better World, All, Emotional, Emotional, Lifestyle & Consumption, Social, Social, Social Structures |
There is so much complexity and an excess of meaningless choice in today’s society. To survive in the jungle of consumption we must adapt a culture of intelligent reduction. People-Centric The most successful brands and companies of the future will be people-centric,...