Princess Disease – Body Capital (5:5)

Princess Disease – Body Capital (5:5)

Constant exposure in social media means that ‘ordinary’ women want to be perfect

Scandinavian Futurist in London

Scandinavian Futurist in London

After experiencing both the joys and sorrows of success…

Health is our Wealth – Body Capital (4:5)

Health is our Wealth – Body Capital (4:5)

How will we look at ‘Body Capital’ in the future and can we install a healthy mindset?

The Economics of Looks – Body Capital (3:5)

The Economics of Looks – Body Capital (3:5)

Are some people more prone to see physical appearance as the ultimate marker of worth?

The Evolution of Body Capital (2:5)

The Evolution of Body Capital (2:5)

Years ago I started researching and writing about the concept of ‘Body Capital’

Law of Success 2.0

Law of Success 2.0

Facilitating happiness is a challenge – but it’s one that I think all companies will begin to address…

The Dialogue Driven Marketing Model

The Dialogue Driven Marketing Model

A fresh marketing approach is needed – talk to your audiences as people, rather than just consumers

The Internet of Things and People

The Internet of Things and People

Will the Internet of Things have the power to change relationships?

Consumers Look For Meaningful Consumptions

Consumers Look For Meaningful Consumptions

Only 20% of brands have a notable positive impact on consumers…

Rethinking Innovation Processes

Rethinking Innovation Processes

The rise of Meta Products could impact on design education…

A Living Network of ‘Meta Products’

A Living Network of ‘Meta Products’

Imagine a world where everything is connected in a living network…

Tomorrow’s Newspaper

Tomorrow’s Newspaper

By 2040 the newspaper as we know it might be extinct…

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